
You can't attack a target with an active shield.
You can't attack a target while they're online.
You can't attack your target while they're in battle.
1 = Might / 100 + 50 Gold(<= 500 Gold)
Total Time x 3 min.
The power of the enemy depends on the strength of the player and ranges from 5% in or down the strength of the players.
Killed during the RAID, the heroes after the defeat will be restored on the bases of the characters. Killed during the RAID, troops will have to be rebuilt.


< 50% 50% - 74% (1 Lawful Flames) 75% - 99% (2 Lawful Flames) 100% (3 Lawful Flames)
-12 Star + Gold + Mana 1 Star + Gold + Mana 2 Star + Gold + Mana 4 Star + Gold + Mana


Magic Heroes Military